Posts Tagged With: learn how to doodle

Strathmore Online Artist Workshops and Internet Blessings – Part 1

A lot of my previous posts have been centered around the new year and the memories and moments associated with the old year (I have been working on my 2011 smash book and a new upcycled version of the smash book for the new year). I had some time to go over all the resolutions I had penned down for 2011 and even though I was not able to keep even half of them, I still felt that the year went well because I learnt a lot and did manage to find my way through to 2012 🙂

In my opinion resolutions are a way of keeping yourself on track but sometimes certain things that you feel you should do turn out to not be so very useful or totally  irrelevant depending on the course your life takes in that year. So even though my resolutions were very relevant in the beginning of 2011, I felt that as the year progressed either other things popped up that were more important or that some of Continue reading

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